Parkside Residence by Ashley Halliday


Designed by Ashley Halliday, Parkside Residence is set within a heritage-rich area of inner south-east Adelaide, referencing tonal notes from the surrounding landscape.

Words: Hande Renshaw I Photography: Anthony Basheer


The living space opens up to the outdoors. Photo: Anthony Basheer


The interior is a balance of contemporary expression with traditional design. Photo: Anthony Basheer


Taking cues from the adjacent 1880’s villas, Parkside Residence, designed by Ashley Halliday, acknowledges its neighbours, celebrating the silhouettes of the existing streetscape through the formation of two main gabled pavilion arrangements.

Aligned perpendicular to one another, the pavilions sit separated to allow for a connective corridor space to bind them. The home is a modern insertion amongst its traditional setting, respectfully honouring the formal language of the established rooflines and adding to the rhythm of the streetscape.

Capturing the essence of a contemporary home, the interior is made up of a combined living, dining and kitchen area, which includes operable glazed elements, allowing the inside to transition outward. The design focuses on balancing both the privacy and experience of the home from within with a series of spaces.

A natural palette ensures a sense of warmth and texture is felt throughout the spaces, with tonal notes taken from the surrounding landscape.

The garden plays an important role in the design, influencing a sense of calm, as pockets of greenery are viewed from within. A dedicated outdoor area encourages the landscape to be occupied year-round whilst remaining connected to the home and its various functions.

The main living pavilion embraces a gabled roof form with a portal steel frame allowing the roof form to continue internally. Tasmanian oak ceiling linings add warmth and scale whilst the textured oak battens give a rhythm to the spaces, enhancing the sense of perspective that is directed to the garden to the south.

By collating references to the past and present, Parkside Residence becomes a home of lasting relevance in place, ensuring its continued future.


A natural palette ensures a sense of warmth and texture is felt throughout the spaces, with tonal notes taken from the landscape. Photo: Anthony Basheer


The natural palette is extended through to the kitchen space. Photo: Anthony Basheer


Kitchen details. Photo: Anthony Basheer


The same brickwork is echoed inside and outside of the home. Photo: Anthony Basheer


The design focuses on balancing both the privacy and experience of the home from within with a series of spaces that nestle comfortably. Photo: Anthony Basheer

A natural palette ensures a sense of warmth and texture is felt throughout, with tonal notes taken from the landscape to reinforce its importance.

A dedicated outdoor area encourages the landscape to be occupied year-round whilst remaining connected to the home and its various functions. Photo: Anthony Basheer


Exposed brickwork in the internal spaces reinforce the connection to the exterior of the home. Photo: Anthony Basheer


Key sustainable principles then underpin the home, ensuring orientation, necessary utilities and passive heating and cooling seamlessly strengthen the readiness for the structure’s next chapter. Photo: Anthony Basheer




Chloe Caday


The Isla – Batemans Bay